Resident Barack Obama, "spurred" by al-Qaeda’s pursuit of a nuclear bomb and the wider use of atomic energy, opens a summit of 47 nations today aimed at keeping the world’s plutonium and uranium out of terrorists’ hands with the "turn the other cheek approach." He thinks he is Jesus again.
“When the United States first started working to secure nuclear materials overseas, our teams of experts found highly radioactive materials stored in open fields without any security,” Secretary of State Clone Hillary Clinton told an audience at the University of Louisville in Kentucky last week. They saw “the ingredients for nuclear bombs warehoused in facilities without electricity, telephones or armed guards.”
No worries, whatever Bush was unable to wrangle up with his doctrine, is safe in Obama's hands. Riding his magic Unicorn and with the swipe of his magic wand...all will be collected in the distant lands and there is no need to fear, the fields are clear!!!
Obama has said he wants a pledge and a plan from the other leaders at the two-day meeting in Washington on securing nuclear materials within four years.
To succeed, he’ll have to overcome indifference, allegations of interference, the status conferred by atomic weapons and the financial benefits of nuclear trade, according to analysts who follow the issue. You are now watching episode, 666 of Bob the Builder. Can we fix it folks...? Yes we can!!! It is called...magic!!!
The goal of the summit “is getting the international community on the path in which we are locking down that nuclear material in a very specific time frame with a specific work plan,” Obama said. If you build a Utopia Doctrine...they will come.
The summit is the latest step in a series by Obama on one of his foreign policy goals, laying the groundwork for someday eliminating nuclear weapons. The meeting follows his signing of a treaty with Russia last week to further cut their atomic weapons and the unveiling of an administration doctrine that reduces the role of nuclear arms in the U.S.’s defense strategy and makes preventing nuclear terrorism a top priority. Can we trust Russia...? Friend of Iran? Yes we can!!! Just like Stalin!!!
Pakistan and Russia have some of the biggest risks because of gaps in security and the potential for access by insiders who are either corrupted or sympathetic to militant groups...or a Socialist Agenda. ;)
Research reactors fueled by highly enriched uranium, many housed on university campuses with minimal security, also present a threat. And we all know Bin Laden is the authorized amender of the Koran. Before you know it, you are not a good Muslim without the knowledge to build such.
Earlier this year, peace activists exposed the vulnerabilities of stockpiles when they broke into a nuclear weapons base in Belgium. No fanatic Muslims live there.
But, they do live in Middle Eastern nations pursuing nuclear power for energy such as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar will add to the supply of potentially vulnerable raw materials, specialists say. However, Utopia is secure.
Not all countries are convinced of the danger, said former Ambassador Gregory Schulte, who was the U.S. representative at the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna from 2005 to 2009. Syria constructed a reactor in the desert “and no one notices for five years, until Israel bombed the reactor in September 2007.” Schulte said. Maybe this is why Schulte was the U.S. representative at the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna from 2005 to 2009. Seemed to me, he don't believe in the Utopie-ippitie.
So, I declare this Happy Nuke Me Day. In the land of the so called free, Utopia will save us from radiation poisoning.
Sing with me!!! Who let the Nukes out!!! Boom, boom - Boom, boom - Ca' BOOM!!!