I have come to the conclusion that rounding up 12+ Million Illegal Mexican Immigrants is going to be an impossible task. So! I have come up with a solution!!! Hold on, don't dismiss me just yet. Maybe you can digest and one day accept it.
First and foremost, prepare a GREEN colored National ID Card for them. Including the requirements of finger prints. Call them, "Extended Citizens."
Then create digitalized Social Security Cards for us, like a drivers license. With LIMITED information such as pictures, date of birth, description, etc. They can leave our finger prints alone.
Next up! Racial profiling!!! Well, more like "Language Profiling." If and when a cop or ICE should come along these slippery little suckers, they should profile the Language. If it is obvious they are unable to speak English like a natural born citizen when (issuing the ID) or stopping one, there is no excuse for "racial" profile finger pointing because we are going to profile the broken English.
Note, let's not forget many of the Illegal Mexicans were all okay with Muslims being profiled after 09-11-2001. What comes around, goes around!!!
If blonde haired 5 foot 9 inch woman were running around killing people, stealing ID's, etc. I would have no problem spending a few extra moments while authorities are profiling me!!! It is just like we all really would rather the tight security in air ports, even if 10 years later we moan and groan about it.
Now, give the Green Card Extentend Citizen Card Holders ONLY 90 days notice to come out of the shadows. All those without one thereon, gets the boot!!!
This of course after we build 900 foot high walls on our borders.
However, what I am getting to is that we should create a whole separate system for them. Let the extended citizens pay their taxes and pay for their own socialized welfare and see how they like it. Let's see how they like it when their fellow former aliens start ripping their identity from them.
Hold on!!! It gets better!!!
After the extended citizen pays his or her taxes, add on 35% of a flat tax to reimburse us for all the welfare we have provided over the years. Yes, an additional 35% more in taxes. They will start to think twice about wanting to make money here and/or sending it back home. Will it really be worth it?
Now, all of you who have suffered from identity theft, get 2% of that tax to pay off the debt and wipe your credit scores clean. Courtesy of the Red, White and Green Card holders.
Here me out people...I am not finished!!! Don't dismiss me yet!!!
Make our extended citizens pay an additional 35% flat tax for 20 years to earn regular citizenship. As for their kids born here...well, punish them for it!!! Punish the parents!!! Any one linked to a child born illegally in the states is required to pay an additional 2% flat tax too per child, both the mother and father.
The extra money paid by the mothers goes to cover the 2% provided to cover the identify theft plus the extra 2% paid by fathers can fund all the elder illegals who simply can not work and may get dumped into a nursing home.
But no worries, if this does not cover the costs...let the fines take care of the rest!!! If they get pulled over for speeding, get parking tickets, etc. then they should have to pay an additional 35% of the normal fine you and I would pay. If it is not paid on time, then tack on yet one more 35% in an interest fee.
We can go on and on for hours on how to absorb the costs but the Language problem is next up for debate.
All extended citizens must be required to take a proper English class and pay for the service out of pocket. For every year they do not pass, they must pay an additional $1,000 in taxes.
Then let's pass our own bill. If they want to force health care on us, we should force the Language on them. Our brand new Amnesty bill will require companies to charge an additional 12% sales tax if Spanish Services are provided and a 12% tax on the corporation. Watch how fast these corporation do not accommodate them anymore.
So tell me what you think. Maybe taxing people to death won't be so bad.
Watch Mexico's population increase too!!!