Blog Archive

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Send an Invoice to THEM ALL

Copy and Paste:

April 15, 2010

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20006

To: Resident Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20006

Cc: Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Barney Frank
My Local Congress Rep.
My Local Senator

Dear Sir or Madam;

My records indicate that as of today, you owe me $41,377.00 and you are past due.

Kindly stop stealing my money and spending it. If this continues, I will forced to place a judgment against your name and file a report of theft.

Due to the fact since we started to bill you 60 days ago and you are 60 days past due, I am forced to apply a 12% interest rate as a late fee. This is in honor of the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants you plan to pardon and bill me for in the future.

There is no longer a debate as to whether or not you owe me my money. You signed the bill. It is evidence of your theft. I will seek counsel if it should continue.

Very truly yours,
Tax Slave
Your Tax Slave
Who exactly...None of your business.

P.S. Thank you for your service. You are no longer needed, you will be replaced November of 2010. We wish you the best and do hope you stop stealing our money.