Now with Resident Obama in charge, not only have we been attacked or the attempt of such has taken place but we are "Vaseline Queens" lately. He may be bowing down to the dear leaders of his choice but we need to demand that we do NOT bend over anymore and take it hard when it comes to our security. Excuse the harsh language people, but 09-11-2001 can happen again.
After the announcement of such agreements with Russia to reduce nuclear arms stockpiles, he unleashed plans to unveil a nuclear weapons strategy Tuesday, because like his fairy tale friend Al Gore said..."If the United States does something about an issue, all will follow along." That is right folks! Tomorrow, expect Kumbya from the powers unbeknown to us follow the same route! That is right, Pakistan and India will become best of friends tomorrow and will un-arm, because Americans are doing it too!!! Yup!!! Even China will no longer pose a threat to Japan!!!
White picket fences for everyone, spring like weather all year round with the fluttering wings of a butterfly to dance across our view and unicorns are real too you know?!?!?!
Nope, not even for self defense he said. The Squatter in Chief has sold us out yet again and might as well hand over the codes to the "football." For those who don't know what that is, please Google the football every president carries around.
Where does it end, when does it end...? After I pick my face up off the ground screaming from surviving a nuclear blast? Enough is enough.
Mr. Delusional in Chief himself is hosting dozens of world leaders in a nuclear security summit in Washington next week. I wonder what is on the table as deal breakers?
Free Health Care for the dear leaders...or maybe Social Security funded by you and I?
Oh no!!! I know!!! After he allows 12+ Million of Illegal Mexican Immigrants to become natural born citizens like himself...he will offer the dear leaders to take 12 Million of their citizens off of their bank rolls. Provided by you and I of course...priceless!!!
Not only are we going to work our butts off to provide National Welfare but maybe Global Welfare too; more than what is already provided. All in the name of delusional Kumbya!!!
Hold hands people and sing...Global Delusional Peace is up next~!!!